
Archive for February, 2015

Favorite Suit Looks + New Partnership

February 17th, 2015 Comments off

New Partnership – Savile Row Society

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At Savile Row Society (SRS) you work with a stylist to get the look you want! Their professional stylists create outfits that match your style perfectly. There is no cost for their styling services, just the cost of the clothes you buy.

SRS is offering friends of Alexander West $50 off their first purchase of $250 or more once you create an account.  CLICK HERE to get started!

* Alexander West will be making custom suits and shirts for SRS clients.

Wedding Suit Ideas

Do you have a wedding coming up or know someone who does? We put together some wedding suit ideas that are a bit different from the norm.

Remember, if you like any of the below ideas or find inspirations from magazines, email or contact us and we will work with you to create your ideal suit.

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This ensemble reminds me of a british debonair in the countryside during the fall.
– I am a fan of the subtle dark brown and light blue check pattern on a brown glen plaid fabric.
– Love the matching bow tie as it exudes a fun and friendly personality
– Light blue check pattern on the suit complements well with the light blue shirt.
– Usually, the white collar on a blue shirt is very “banker” like, but on this occasion, the suit pattern and bow tie goes well with the white shirt collar.
– The polka dot pocket square exudes fun and the light tan color doesn’t stand out from rest of the suit. There are a lot of different patterns here, so it is important that all the elements work together and do not clash.


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This is a three-piece gray suit with a tint of brown.
– Well fitting three-piece suit is a classic ensemble.
– Note that he is not wearing a belt, so there is no bulky accessory in the middle
– Love the dark brown shoes
There are two things that I would change:
– One, I would change to plain bottom cuff
– Two, on the vest, you can see a little bit of the white shirt right below the last vest button. I see this in many magazine spreads and it is just wrong. My theory for this common mistake is that pants have a lower rise these days and the general pattern on the vest hasn’t caught up with the times.


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This would be a great summer wedding suit.
– He is wearing a three piece suit
– The groom’s blue eyes pair very nicely with the royal blue suit. He also has light colored hair, so it is better to pick a light colored suit than a dark suit.
– There are minimal colors at work here. Royal blue on the suit and navy/white tie. White on the flower, shirt and pocket square. That is it. Simple and classic.
– I like the peak lapels as they are more distinct and more fashion forward than the notch lapel.
– The suit is a bit tight on him on the waist and sleeves. It is pulling a bit too much.


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What is not to like about this suit? Love the combination of blue and grey vest.
– Important point here is the shade of blue, which has a shade of gray, so it matches very well with the light grey.
– Fan of the peak lapel and ticket pocket
– Matching vest, pocket square and bow tie
– Bow tie adds flair and classic vibe to any wardrobe

At Alexander West, we make custom shirts, suits, tuxedos, ties and pocket squares. Only custom!

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