Happy Father’s Day from Alexander West! Rebel Mom, the blog for “hip” mom life after the reality of children sets in mentioned us in her Father’s Day Gift Guide!
A gift card from Alexander West is a sure way to keep him looking his best! Click here to read all about it.
The crew at Cool Hunting asked us to measure and shirt up their product tester employee. As you see, we passed and exceeded their expectations by a long shot.
Cool Hunting is a daily update on ideas and products in the intersection of art, design, culture and technology, and features weekly videos that get an inside look at the people who create them.
The content of the site is editorially based using the standard of “stuff they like.” We’re glad they like us. Thanks Cool Hunting! We like you too.
Last week Details.com was hot on the street doing “tweak” make-overs. “Sunday” was seriously hooked up from shirt to shoe by Details; with yours truly, Alexander West featured as the the shirt upgrade. Check it out here.
Out with the vintage print tee and in with the Alexander West dress shirt under the blazer. A minor tweak for you could be a something as subtle as a vintage belt buckle, a new bag or stylish new eyeglass frames.
Being that we all need some minor adjustments in our overall day to day look, you won’t have to look far with Details and Alexander West on your side. Think of yourself or someone you know as the star that needs a minor polishing. Before you know it; you’re outshining everyone else.
“A made-to-measure shirt will make a guy feel like a million bucks. Alexander West’s simple online ordering process makes it easy to be a stylish benefactor. Just click through some measurements or send in a favorite shirt as an example to be remade in one of the designer’s fine fabrics.”